The One-Blog Summary of Five Months Two Days Sixteen Hours Nine Minutes and Thirty Seconds
I know, I know.
Kim and Denise came to visit, and then I cat-whispered Sasha into shutting the hell up. I bet Kim and Denise wish those events were switched around.
I attended supernumerary orientations, class started, and my head began to fill with trisomies, monosomies and the exquisitely worthless study of epidemiology.
I did laundry for the first time only to have some bastard steal my peach-scented dryer sheets when left alone for thirty seconds. Thirty effing seconds. So I left an angry post-it note in the hall where they were stolen (childish, yes, but it made me feel better) which I later found stuck to a single non-peach smelling (yeah, I smelled it to check) dryer sheet. Smartasses. I spent the next few days surreptitiously sniffing fellow elevator passengers for any scent of thieving bastardism - to no avail.
We started medical communications, a class where we hold fake exam sessions with fake patients. Hilarity ensued when we were encouraged to make up solutions to their problems. Heh. I miss that class for many, many reasons.
My car was cruelly and viciously and okay FINE superficially violated while innocently parked on Lake Shore Drive. Grrr.
My mom sent me new peach dryer sheets.
Classes continued: PS continued to be worthless, epi still sucked, genetic lecture series and journal club continued to be easy stretches of no work on my part, intro to genetic counseling was still ruining my otherwise free Fridays. Oh and all the while, I was doing four hours of work study a week in the neuro department, conveniently located across the street from the icebox that is Lurie.
I got a sweet parking spot in the garage. The precious is safe.
Thanksgiving. Kara had the Iraq war explained to her and her only question was about how different countries communicate with each other. Her suggestion was calling cards. Ate food, was thankful.
More classes.
Finals... ugh. Then my bus pass betrayed me briefly before deciding we could be BFF for twelve more hours - then it was entirely dead to me. I hung its carcass on my bulletin board.
After that day of mind-bending tiredness, Jenna the sister came to visit for a few days. We did some shopping, saw Wicked, did some more shopping and nearly froze to death. This last occurred on more than one occassion, one of which involved a zoo, Christmas (sorry, holiday) lights and animals that stayed out of view in their shelters and were therefore smarter than the two of us.
Christmas break. Laura had her foot removed, or a bone removed, or something, and couldn't walk all through break. We watched a lot of DVDs, so I got completely caught up on Grey's Anatomy just in time to have no new episodes thanks to the writer's strike. Dominated numerous games of Xbox 360 SceneIt. Went out to eat, hot-tubbed, slept, and generally had a great, relaxing break.
Then it was back to school, thankfully now with a puffy and furry and long new coat in an acceptable color.
More classes, blah blah blah.
Bad weather consistently being built up to epic blizzard proportions only to have the green radar masses miss me entirely, much to my eternal disappointment. We did get a preemptive snow day in anticipation of a storm that never came. Pretty great to have a mid-week day off, though.
Happy hour was reinstated, and the peasants rejoiced.
Mrs. Kim flew in for a visit instead of going to some dumb tropical destination. Good choice.
And then - rotations began, and in this time of no sleep and no free time, I was inspired to resurrect and update this blog. So that's a quick recap of my grad school experience thus far. Of course there's more, but in the interest of time and privacy (which is a DAMN shame, because I could spin some fantastic tales about certain... things) we'll have to leave it at that.
Anyway, I'm really going to try hard to update regularly, and by all means send some abuse my way if I'm slacking off. Nice abuse. Encouraging abuse. In the form of flowery prose and flowers. I've got enough stress already.
FINALLY!!!! I do check this thing and am so sick of seeing "MEOW MEOW MEOW" at the top...
also, you need to fix the "Iraq was" comment..just lookin out for you.
I agree with your sister! Every time I saw the 'MEOW MEOW MEOW' it was like a flashback to that day! I do hope you'll post more!
i'm glad you're back
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