Thursday, August 14, 2008


Hard to believe I'm on my fifth rotation. It seems like just yesterday I was fearing for my life on the 4 down to U of C. Now I'm living it up on the X9 en route to Rush Medical Center. Woo! Much improvement here.

And I just found out a formerly weekly 8 am, hour-long lecture, one of which I was supposed to give (boo!) was changed to a once a month lecture with no student presentations (yay!).

And today, on my first day of my rotation I held a 5-pound premie twin my supervisor was too scared to hold. She said that noble deed earned me an automatic A for the rotation, and I WILL be holding her to that.

Also, I don't have to come to clinic tomorrow (no patients = no me) and there's an Air and Water show all this weekend - my supervisor printed me the schedule (!) complete with a "unique night show with a dazzling pyrotechnic display and streams of sparkling light in sync with music."

Everything's coming up Lisa!

Stay tuned, I'm liable to find an immortal, maintenence-free puppy that sheds rainbows and craps Reece's Pieces the way this day is going. Woo!


  1. Jessica Johnston said...

    your last puppy comment is so hilarious...and if you do find a litter - get me one. Heck, get mom one, too - we can off Madi and she won't notice.